Limkowing Botswana Campus @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Limkokwing Botswana

Botswana's future lies in its ability to educate its young generation to provide leadership that fits in with the global changes.

Empowering the next generation with the ability to create and originate will enable Batswana youths to utilize new opportunities offered by globalisation. Botswana has much to offer the world. Globalisation and the emergence of the creative economy make every Batswana a stakeholder in building the future of the country.

A complete education to build skills, knowledge and confidence

In today's world, education is not just about getting the right qualifications, it is also neccessary to develop talent and the full potential of an individual.

At Limkokwing we believe it is our responsibility to ensure that our students are given every opportunity to get the best academic qualifications as well as variety of activities that will develop their talents through industry-related projects as well as exra-curricular involvement that will build confidence.

The campus environment to stimulate creativity

Creativity is a mental process needed to respond to the tremendous challenges that we face in the fast-paced world that we live in today. Creativity can be nurtured in the individual, something that Limkokwing has been doing for more than a decade.

Facts & figures

Limkokwing University Botswana maintains the tradition of attracting international students from inside and outside the region. The inaugural intake of Limkokwing Botswana students included students from 9 countries throughout Africa.

List of countries on campus
Malawi Swaziland Ethiopia Lesotho Spain
Zimbabwe Kenya Djibouti Namibia
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