Student Life @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology


Truly Asia

Discover Malaysia
Jessica Arroyo Vazquez

Jessica Arroyo Vazquez

Mexico, Cyberjaya,

When people ask why I decided to study in Limkokwing all the way on the other side of the world, my mind goes back to three years ago when the first time I came to Malaysia, I ended up visiting Limkokwing. All I can say is that since that day, I fell in love with the place and the multicultural environment…

Calvin Ho Qing Yong: Diving Deep into the Realm of Sound Engineering

Calvin Ho Qing Yong: Diving Deep into the…

News, 9 July 2024

Global Campus

Introducing the Global Experience

Student Benefits

We work very closely with our extensive network of industry partner to bring you exclusive benefits that enhance your life in and out of the classroom.




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